Thursday, August 11, 2011

First Time at Hogwarts

Do you Remeber your First Trip to Hogwarts? Wasnt it the most magical moment of your life?
Harry Potter has been our life and childhood and we will never let it go.
As J.K. Rowling said " Hogwarts Will Always Be There To Welcome You Home"
Join Me( Gwen) and Gen as we take you back to our first year at Hogwarts.
Our Time in Gryffindor with Harry, Ron , and Hermione. As well As the Famous Weasley twins and many more friends.
Both Muggle born but amazing witches who help fight against he who must not be named, Find love and discover the true meaning of Friendship.
Chapter 1 will be here in the next day or two working on it even now as I type this! So add to your watch list so you can read these adventures for your self.
Fan Fic by Gwen


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