Saturday, September 24, 2011

Chapter 2 Finished


Gwen walked quietly down the vacant streets humming to her self to stay calm.A warm summer breeze flowed through her auburn hair.

Gwen had never been outside after dark on her own.
She could hear dogs barking off in the distance and sirens. She looked towards the sky the stars were so bright tonight. This made Gwen smile inside she felt free for the first time ever.

She knew that she could never go back and she didnt want to. She knew her future lay at Hogwarts through she wasnt sure how to get there


Gen crept away from her home, first time she had ever left it. As soon as she was she was safely on the streets she broke into a run, wishing to leave her life far behind her.

She ran for what felt like hours till she knew she was far enough away, and she slowed her pace back down to a walk. It was dark out but the stars filled the night sky.
There Beautiful Gen thought to herself. “I love the stars” she quickly whispered.

Gen knew she wanted to head to Hogwarts but had no idea how she would get there. She secretly started wishing she had told Eisa that her parents had said yes so she would have known how to get to the school.

Gen saw the park and slowly walked toward it. She saw a park bench and sat down on it, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Breathing in the sweet smell of freedom


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