Sunday, August 26, 2012

Gwen and Draco's first meeting part 1


               Gwen and Draco's first meeting part 1

 Gwen and Gen were walking with the rest of the Gryffindor students towards Their first day of care of magical creatures. Gwen and Gen were whispering while Fred, George and Neville were close behind. "Third year will be our best year yet." Gwen said
 "You say that about every year silly. Though you are normally right." Gen said with a giggle.
 Up ahead they heard Hagrid telling everyone to be quiet and open their books they heard someone in a snarky voice say "Exactly how are we supposed to do that?"
"Just stroke the spine of course" Hagrid said leading them on.
Fred and George laughed as they stroked their monster book of monsters. Gwen and Gen also did, Gwen heard a scream behind her she turned around and Nevilles book was attacking him. She rushed to his side and kicked the book away.
 " Are you okay Neville?"
 "Yeah I'm fine." He said getting up and brushing himself off.

 Gwen smiled at him and the pair met up with the group. When they got close Gwen noticed Harry, Ron and Hermionie arguing with some boy.
 "Who is that?" Gwen whispered to Gen
 "Gwen thats Draco."
"Oh" Gwen remembered Draco alright he was the boy who had picked on Neville and Hermione in the first year. Who had attacked Harry in the wizards duel last year.
But for some reason he looked different something about him had changed but she could not put her finger on it. She watched him walk towards harry and point to the sky. He was teasing harry about Dementors. Gwen knew she should be furious with him but she did not feel that emotion instead it seemed to be filled with an odd attraction for him. She shook it off in her daze she hadn't noticed that Hagrid had started class. If Neville had not tapped her shoulder she more then like would have stayed in her daze forever.
 Hagrid introduced them to BuckBeak he was a Hippogriff. He was the most beautiful creature she had ever seen Hagrid was explaining how to approach the creature and asked for a volunteer everyone stepped back and Gwen and Gen did as well. Harry got picked. He stepped forward and bowed and Buckbeak bowed back. Hagrid Hoisted Harry up onto Buckbeaks back and off they went. It was magnificent.
 "Look at Harry go" Gen shouted Fred and George laughed and said
 "He's got that flying down thats for sure!"
 As Harry landed back on the ground everyone cheered and shouted. Gwen and Gen clapped for him in excitement Hagrid helped Harry down and patted him on the back. Thats when Gwen noticed Draco was walking out towards the Hippogriff. She tried to shout at him to stop but could not be heard over the group of children talking among themselves. He walked out
"Your not scary at all are you" Draco said.
Hagrid tried to stop him but in a flash Buckbeak was up on his hind legs and his talons came crashing down on Draco's arm. Draco fell backwards and landed on the ground. Hagrid picked him up to take him to the hospital wing Gwen rushed forward Neville grabbed her hand
"Where are you going Hagrid said to say till he got back."
 "I am going to go with him and make sure Draco is okay." Gwen said rushing after Hagrid.
Neville stood there stunned
 "How did Malfoy get Gwen's attention." he wondered to himself.

Monday, August 6, 2012


I know its been months since I have been on here well here is what has been going on I have been working on my own novel. Yes your Gwen is becoming a writer! I have been working like crazy on it and I have a blog set up just for it as well. Anyways I have had a lot of people ask me to keep going on my fan fic and I have missed it so this is what I am going to do. I am no longer just redoing the books like i had planned I will be writing bits and peices from Gwen and Gens story. So you will get scences and pictures from their lives at Hogwarts. I hope you all enjoy them. I am hoping to do like one a week or possibly two depending on how things go. So for now look for them weekly Im think possibly thursdays. Stay Magical. Gwen ♥

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