Thursday, November 17, 2011

Hello My Fans

Hey Guys Im so sorry I havent given you anything new in so long. I just got my laptop back and I need to load the old saves of the Fan Fic then I can give you some more. I am also working on my own book as well so I havent been doing the fan fic as much but Im trying to work on it when I can because I know you all want to read it. If you want to read some of my new stuff my orginal work please add to your favorites and check it out. Im really trying to stay on top of everything for you guys. as soon as I have the stuff I typed up back on here I will add it.
Gen and I have been Good had some really exciting news happen to us recently. On the Facebook page that we own together we found out that James Phelps (Fred Weasley) and Evanna Lynch (Luna Lovegood) Follow our page. Freaking awesome that means that there is a possiablity that my fan fic and other works have been seen by them which is amazing.
Well Off to go talk to Gen and work on some more story.
Stay Magical

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Still working!

Omg I am so Sorry you guys I havent posted in ages. I have had alot going on in my life and I feel so bad for not posting!
Anyways Im doing NaNoWriMo where I write a novel in a month so I will be busy with that for a bit so check my other sites for updates. To top it off my laptop got messed up and the Fan Fic is on there so till I have that running again I cant post it should have it back in a day or two :D

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Chapter 2 Finished


Gwen walked quietly down the vacant streets humming to her self to stay calm.A warm summer breeze flowed through her auburn hair.

Gwen had never been outside after dark on her own.
She could hear dogs barking off in the distance and sirens. She looked towards the sky the stars were so bright tonight. This made Gwen smile inside she felt free for the first time ever.

She knew that she could never go back and she didnt want to. She knew her future lay at Hogwarts through she wasnt sure how to get there


Gen crept away from her home, first time she had ever left it. As soon as she was she was safely on the streets she broke into a run, wishing to leave her life far behind her.

She ran for what felt like hours till she knew she was far enough away, and she slowed her pace back down to a walk. It was dark out but the stars filled the night sky.
There Beautiful Gen thought to herself. “I love the stars” she quickly whispered.

Gen knew she wanted to head to Hogwarts but had no idea how she would get there. She secretly started wishing she had told Eisa that her parents had said yes so she would have known how to get to the school.

Gen saw the park and slowly walked toward it. She saw a park bench and sat down on it, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Breathing in the sweet smell of freedom

Chapter 2 cont.

I know its been a while but here it is what your waiting for more of chapter 2 currently typing more :D


Gen lay there with her letter in her had trying to decide what she was going to do. Boarding School would be Horrible. All alon what if she used her powers and people got scard of her what would she do then?
She ran her fingers over the name on the letter. Hogwarts sounded like a wonderful place, a place she could make friends. Gen decided in that moment that if her parents wanted her gone then she would leave and find her way to Hogwarts.

Gen Crept downstairs and in the cupboard under the stairs Gen grabbed a suitcase and carried it silently back upstairs, she opened it up and began packing.

Gen quickly opened her dresser drawers and started grabbing out what she would need. She grabbed several pairs of paints and a few of her favorite shirts and quickly placed them in her suitcase. She went to her closet and quietly opened it as it normally had a squeaking sound and grabbed her jacket.
On her bed lay her pajamas and she put those in her bag as well. On top of all of her cloths she placed a pillow and a small blanket from her bed.

Gen then crept under her bed and reached up into the hole in the box spring she had made and pulled out a small pouch. Inside that pouch was four hundred dollars her grandmother had given her right before she passed away. Gen remembered that conversation well. "Gen keep this safe from your family you may need it one day" her grandmother was very right Gen thought to herself.

She placed the small pouch under all of her cloths in the suitcase to keep it safe.She zipped her suitcase shut and picked up her Hogwarts letter off the night stand and gently placed it in her pocket. She picked up the suitcase and quietly crept down the stairs to the front door. She slowly opened the front door into the freedom of the darkness.

Saturday, September 10, 2011


 Just wanted to let you guys know Why I havent updated in a while Im still typing up the story I am well into chapter 5 in the writing part. Tommorow I will add some new stuff about me and Gen

Friday, August 19, 2011

Chapter 2 " Escape into the Night"

                                                                         Chapter 2
                                                              Escape into the Night
Gwen lay on her bed staring at the ceiling remembering that mornings conversation.
" Gwen tomorrow were going on a trip and you get to go make some new friends." her mother said cheerfully. Gwen already knew what they were talking about she had seen the note.
She merely responded " Yes Mother."
Now she lay in her room for the last time. Then it hit her they couldn't send her away if she wasn't there anymore.  Gwen rushed to her closet and pulled out her duffle bag.
Only take what you need Gwen she told herself.
Gwen grabbed several of her favorite pairs of pants and a few shirts and shoved them into her bag, She grabbed her favorite hoodie that had her favorite animal a wolf on it that went into her bad as well. She went to the back of her closet and pulled out a box in that box was all the birthday money and allowance she had saved and she had about three hundred dollars saved that went into the bag as well. She threw her bag on her bed and quickly shoved her journal into it along with her favorite stuffed animal a grey wolf. Then she grabbed her favorite book and put that in the bag as well along with a blanket.
She quickly took off her pajamas and put on her jeans and tee-shirt and put her pajamas into her duffle bag and zipped it up quickly.  Where will I go Gwen thought to herself.
 As she pulled on her Hoodie she took one last look around her room and saw her Hogwarts letter sitting on her night stand. She quickly picked up her duffle bag and grabbed her Hogwarts letter.
Gwen opened her bedroom window took a deep breath and climbed out of the window and into the night. Leaving her old life behind her.

Chapter 1 Finished

In the Months since the visit things had gone from bad to worse. At first her parents had been screaming about how this was a bad joke. But as time went on they began to believe it might be real.
" What if this gets around to our friends?" Her mother whispered " I was thinking the same thing I don't know if I could live that down." her father replied.
"Is there a way to get magic out of people?" screamed her mother " I don't know let's just keep her in her room till we figure out what were going to do." And at that moment Gwen was sent to her room and told to stay there and to not come out unless she was called. I always thought being magical would be fun but it just seems to cause problems she thought quietly to herself as she closed her bedroom door.
Later that night Gwen snuck out of her room after she was sure her parents had gone to bed. She crept out of her room and down the stairs to find something to eat.
 There on the counter sat a note in her mother's hand writing, Call the Saint Catherin's mental hospital tomorrow.
Gwen's mouth dropped in horror, she knew what this meant she had watched enough TV and movies. That was a place for crazy people.
 My parents think I'm crazy and are going to send me away!  
The whole room started spinning she had no idea how she made it back up to her room. What do I do? was all she could remember thinking as the night took over.  

Gen had hid the letter for several months. Eisa came back several times and Gen kept telling Eisa that her parents we still thinking about it. When in all actuality she hadn't told them because she knew it would end badly.
But one afternoon about two weeks before the first of September things got real bad for Gen.
"GEN COME DOWN HERE AT ONCE." her mother yelled, Gen ran down from the safety of her room, wondering what could possibly  need cleaned now.
" Gen your father and I have decided that you need a better school".
Gens heart skipped a beat were they going to send her to Hogwarts? " Gen we are shipping you off to a boarding school at the end of the week" her father said with a smirk.
Gens heart sank further than it ever had before, " A Boarding school! Why? Can't you just let me pick the school I want to go to!" Gen shouted. " And where is it you want to go?" he said looking down at her.
"Hogwarts?" Gen said regretting opening her mouth. "Where?" he asked " It's a school for witches and wizards." "Gen you have been reading too much again." her mother said in a mocking tone.
Gen just stood there her life had been chosen for her she had nothing more to say. " No response? Typical Gen, now go to your room you may as well enjoy your last week of play time."
And at that Gen ran up the stairs and threw herself on her bed tears streaming down her face. She reached her hand under her pillow and held her letter in her hand.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Chapter 1 cont.


The Sun was shining bright over the home of Gen Taylor, but all Gen wanted was for the evening to come. This was when her parents would leave for the night and Gen could escape to her room and finally play.
"Gen, finish the dishes then go clean the bathroom." her mother ordered of her. "I want this house to look absolutely spotless, in case we bring friends over." she said in a sing-song voice. Gen hated cleaning; she would rather be playing but wasn't allowed to until her parents left for the night. She secretly wished that she didn’t have to do the cleaning; she wished that everything would just… clean itself!
All of a sudden the broom Gen was holding leapt out of her grasp, and started sweeping by itself! Startled, Gen jumped back and let out a little yelp.
"What are you doing in there!?" her father shouted. Gen quickly made up a lie, telling her father that she saw a spider, to explain her little yelp. “Well then kill it, and get back to work!” “What on earth is going on?” Gen thought to herself, as she grabbed hold of the broom. This wasn't the first time something strange had happened when she had wished for something. She shook the broom, expecting it to shake back in response, but it just stayed motionless. “Must have been my imagination…” she mumbled.
At long last, the evening came. Gen could hear her parents running around, trying to get ready to leave. After a few frantic minutes of gathering up their things, they finally left, which gave Gen a few hours to enjoy herself. She quickly ran upstairs to her bedroom, ready for an imagination-filled night of play.
As Gen threw open her bedroom door, she saw the strangest site she had ever seen. There stood what looked like an ugly little doll wearing a potato sack. It couldn’t have been more than two feet tall, and had long, floppy ears.
"Are you Miss Gen Taylor?" the strange creature asked her "Why, yes, yes I am." Gen said as she jumped back, stammering. "Who are you?" Gen asked. “My deepest apologies Miss Taylor, I’ve forgotten to introduce myself! My name is Eisa, and I’ve come to deliver a message.”
            "A message? From who?" asked Gen. "Yes, I have it here somewhere…" she said as she began to search her potato sack clothing.
"Excuse me, but… what are you?" Gen asked. Eisa looked at Gen strangely for a moment and said “Why, I’m a house elf, of course!” Obviously still confused, Gen asked “What’s a house elf?” Eisa went on to explain that house elves are servant creatures, usually to witches and wizards, but that Eisa served at Hogwarts, rather than for one specific person. Gen’s eyes widened as she heard all of this, and couldn’t help but wonder what Eisa meant… she thought witches and wizards only existed in her fairy tales! Confused, she asked “Witches and wizards? Hogwarts? You tell an interesting story, but those things don’t really exist. How can you expect me to believe a word you’re saying when you spout such… such nonsense!”
“But Miss Taylor, certainly you should know this… but you yourself are in fact a witch!” As Eisa said this, she pulled a letter out of her clothing, and handed it to Gen. The letter was addressed for Gen, and had a strange seal on it, one she had never seen before. Gen, still very confused, began to panic. “What is this? Why is it addressed to me? What do you mean I’m a witch!? What on earth does a hog’s warts have to do with this!?!?”
“Miss Taylor, please calm down! All of your questions will be answered in due time. Now then, where should I begin?” Eisa sat down on Gen’s bed, and began to think for a moment. “Answer me this: Have you ever done or seen something that seemed impossible, like it was magic? For example, have you ever seen something spring to life, and start moving all on its own, even if it wasn’t supposed to be able to?” Gen’s mouth dropped open a little bit, as she remembered the incident downstairs with the broom not too long ago. “Aha, I can see you know exactly what I’m talking about! Believe me, you weren’t going crazy when it happened, and it certainly wasn’t just your imagination. You’re a witch Miss Taylor, and Hogwarts is the place where you’ll learn to use your powers at will.”
“The letter you hold in your hand,” Eisa went on to explain, “is your acceptance letter to Hogwarts. I was sent to inform you of your acceptance, and to get your reply. It seems, however, that you may need some time to think about it. Show your parents the letter, think long and hard about it, and I’ll be back in exactly one week for your reply.” Eisa then snapped her fingers, and she was gone. She vanished, just like magic.
Gen stood in her room, very confused. How could she ever explain what just happened to her parents, and what would they think?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Chapter 1 Gwen and Gens Begining

                                                                    Chapter 1

It was a warm day in June, and a small 11 year old girl was playing in her playhouse. Strange things had been happening to her lately, but her parents kept telling her that it was her imagination running away with her. For example, she had seen her toy table begin to float all by itself, and she had also seen her toy food serve itself to her dolls.
Things got weirder one afternoon when she heard her mother calling for her to come inside. "GWEN!” her mother shouted. "Get in here, quickly!" Gwen ran inside as fast as her little legs could carry her. Startled, trying to catch her breath, she asked, "Mom, what is it?"
"Gwen, your father and I are not sure". Gwen looked around, and there, in the living room, stood the strangest looking woman Gwen had ever seen. She had on a dress of every color of the rainbow, and on top of the woman's head sat a rather large hat that came to a point. The hat was black and had a green trim, which made Gwen smile as green was her favorite color.
“Mr. and Mrs. Redfield,” spoke the strange woman, “I am here on a matter concerning your daughter, Gwen. I have been sent to deliver her welcome letter to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."
“I'm sorry, what did you just say? Is this a joke? Wait, where's the hidden camera? Are we on television?" Mrs. Redfield asked as she looked around the living room and out of the windows looking for a camera that simply wasn’t there. "This is no joke Mrs. Redfield, and certainly not a television show, I can assure you.”
            "You honestly expect me to believe that my daughter is a witch? Witches are nothing but legends; characters designed to amuse children." Mr. Redfield spoke. The strange woman replied, "Oh no, we are quite real. We just prefer to keep a low profile around muggles such as yourselves. We only reveal ourselves to other witches and wizards, and Gwen here is one of them." she said.
"What's a muggle?" Gwen asked shyly. The funny woman leaned down to face Gwen and said "Muggles, my dear child, are people who don’t have the ability to use magic. While the rest of your family may be made up of muggles, you my dear are indeed a witch."
“I still don’t believe any of this,” stated Mrs. Redfield. “If you truly expect us to believe that you’re a witch, and our daughter is one as well, then prove it!” Without uttering a word, the woman pulled a small stick from her robes, pointed at some furniture in the room, and it began to float into the air, seemingly all on its own.
Mrs. Redfield, clearly dumbfounded, fell back into a chair, mouth agape. Gwen could hardly hold in her excitement at the seeing magic right before her eyes. Gwen asked, “Mam, will I be able to do that too?” The woman smiled, lowered the stick in her hands, and the furniture was put back into its original place. “Yes, Gwen. If you wish to learn how to perform magic such as this, you will be taught all you need to know at Hogwarts to become a very powerful witch. You will of course need your parent’s permission, and there is plenty of time for both you and for them to think about what joining Hogwarts would mean to you and your family. The Train for Hogwarts leaves on September 1st at 11am. We will expect a response concerning your attendance via a letter sent by owl. Should you choose to join Hogwarts, further instructions on how to attend, as well as what you will need, will be mailed back to you." The woman lifted the stick back into the air, waved it around in the air for a few seconds, muttered something Gwen couldn’t quite make out, and a small cage containing an owl appeared in Gwen’s hands.
"An owl! Oh, he’s so pretty!" Gwen exclaimed, holding the owl cage. The woman went on to say, "In the Magical world, we send mail with owls and other creatures. I will leave one here with you so that you have a way of contacting us. Just tie your reply to the owl’s leg when you're ready." When she finished speaking, she walked into our unlit fireplace, withdrew some sand from a pouch she was carrying, threw it down to her feet, and she vanished in a huge puff of green smoke.
Gwen stood there, mouth open, trying to wrap her head around what had just happened. Gwen could hear her mother and father whispering in the corner. The last thing she heard before her parents sent her up to her room was her mom saying, "This can't be happening. What should we do?" Gwen slowly made her way up to her room, still holding the cage from the woman, whose name she was never told

Thursday, August 11, 2011

First Time at Hogwarts

Do you Remeber your First Trip to Hogwarts? Wasnt it the most magical moment of your life?
Harry Potter has been our life and childhood and we will never let it go.
As J.K. Rowling said " Hogwarts Will Always Be There To Welcome You Home"
Join Me( Gwen) and Gen as we take you back to our first year at Hogwarts.
Our Time in Gryffindor with Harry, Ron , and Hermione. As well As the Famous Weasley twins and many more friends.
Both Muggle born but amazing witches who help fight against he who must not be named, Find love and discover the true meaning of Friendship.
Chapter 1 will be here in the next day or two working on it even now as I type this! So add to your watch list so you can read these adventures for your self.
Fan Fic by Gwen

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Harry Potter Fandom

Hello Fellow Harry Potter Fans!!!
Gwen your favorite Gryffindor here Well I just made my 3rd Blog! So this is the going to be my Harry Potter Blog EVERTHING Harry Potter will go here. Including the FanFic I plan to write about me and Gen and our adventures at Hogwarts, Im going to Start with us several years ago in our first year at Hogwarts! When we meet the Trio and the Weasley Twins and everyone else. So get ready for some AWESOME fun!!!!!!!!!!! So add me to your favorites so you can read it. I plan and hope to update this everyday. I will start chapter one of the fan fic later tonigh.

Untill then ,

Gwen Malfoy
(Me at Hogwarts if i was Slytherin)

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